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Benefits of climbing
The craft of rock climbing: exploring the implications of relational ontologies for learning to rock climb: Peter Hubbard, Colin Wood1: Society and land managers often perceive adventure activities in natural environments as being based in risk taking and conquest and assume that deviant personality characteristics drive participation in activities like rockc... (946.6 Kb)
Crag Care
Bouldering in Sydney: Understanding boulderers attitudes and behaviours regarding minimum impact recommendations: Emma Norrington: The popularity of outdoor bouldering in Australia has led to concerns about how the continued growth of the industry will impact the environment, sites of Aboriginal importance, and local communities, leading to the poten... (22,254.6 Kb)
The craft of rock climbing: exploring the implications of relational ontologies for learning to rock climb: Peter Hubbard, Colin Wood1: Society and land managers often perceive adventure activities in natural environments as being based in risk taking and conquest and assume that deviant personality characteristics drive participation in activities like rockc... (946.6 Kb)
Climbers helping map Stick insects on Balls Pyramid: A group of 6 climbers are involved as citizen scientists on the 2017 Australian Museum Balls Pyramid expedition- taking samples and searching for the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect along the SE ridge of one of the worlds large...
Kaputar skink project: Vanessa Wills in Vertical Life Magazine: Climbers as citizen scientists helping survey the endangered Kaputar skink. This skink is thought to only exist in rocky areas above 1300m. By logging reptile sightings and also observation of other plants or animal's on sky ...
Government Reports & Studies
Online Community Session Arapiles Tooan State Park: A series of questions posed to the public engagement process and the answers supplied (146.8 Kb)
Adventurous Spaces Insights Report: NSW Department of Planning and Environment: Highlighting the importance of adventurous spaces, this report provides critical analysis and recommendations for fostering outdoor activities like climbing in NSW. It addresses the challenges of risk perception and calls for... (8,056.4 Kb)
Public Land
Arapiles draft plan submission: Read ACANSWs submission to the Dyurrite Cultural Landscape draft Plan (2,683.7 Kb)
Conservation threats from tourism land grabs and greenwash: Ralf C. Buckley Sonya Underdahl, Aila Keto, Alienor L.M. Chauvenet : Abstract: We report a new threat to conservation, namely land grabs by large tourism developers inside public protected areas. Locally, these tourism land grabs damage national parks through building footprints and access c... (464.2 Kb)